The goal of user interface design is to make the user experience and interaction

with your system as simple and efficient as possible.

As humanly as possible

The system should speak the language of the user and use familiar concepts, rather than system oriented technical terms. It should also follow real world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.

Designing Sites for Better UX.

In our website building process we are going beyond great looking design and focusing also on user experience (UX). Some of the benefits of improving user experience include increased customer loyalty, higher conversion rates, lowered abandon rates and even decreased customer service requests. While the benefits are great, the concept of good user experience can be a bit fuzzy.

There’s no magic formula or set of rules for designing a website that provides an excellent UX

it's all about aesthetics, simplicity, design, elegance...usability matters...

Interaction with the user interface design should be natural and the navigational elements should make sense immediately. Colors, shapes and fonts should be consistent throughout. This strengthens the brand identity and gives the user a clear idea of what they can interact with.

The framework goes through rigorous usability testing and feedback until we feel it provides a sublime UX.

Web usability is a broad topic

In a nutshell, we’re talking about giving the user exactly what they want throughout the user interface design, without making them work for it. Exceeding those rudimentary needs for content by presenting a beautiful design on top of that is the ultimate goal.

However, it is of primary importance that the design serves its function by delivering content to the user in a sensible way.

How UX Design Plays Into Your Website Strategy?

While the aesthetic aspect of a website is important in creating a positive experience for web visitors, it only goes so far. More companies are realizing the importance of focusing on user experience design (or UX design) and investing heavily into it to make sure that their websites are optimized for UX.

In fact, companies are making it a central part of their strategy as it affects everything that happens on their websites.

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To design is much more than simpy to asemble to order, or even.

To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and mean to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify.

Successful design the achievement of perfection but the minimization and accommodation.








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